Put Your Gun Down Campaign


Put your gun down Campaign (Stop, think and think again) is a North Aurora community initiative that targets disenfranchised black and brown boys and girls. The campaign is designed to activate awareness to the community, stakeholders, and city officials that the lives of the black and brown youth are worth the efforts to address the Complex Traumatic Griefs, Social Emotional as well as Body Image Therapy.

The Put Your Gun Down Campaign is the first of it’s kind. The intense Therapeutical Model is an interception and interruption to violence. The risk factors of black and brown teens boys and girls are at an all-time high and the program components provide the human need of nurturing, affirming and training in life skills and career and job development.

This six week program will provide many activities such as offering a wide range of classes, media publicity, marches and nightly foot patrol engaging with citizens asking them to “put your gun down.” Overall, this program seeks to l provide an alternative to the core of pain and the systemic trauma and self hate of their dark skin.

"a call to action" from the mother's and father's

The "Put Your Gun Down Campaign 2020" (Stop, think and think again!) is a state-wide effort to end senseless gun violence especially in neighborhoods and communities of color. The campaign is designed to inform, train, and educate citizens on the importance of unity and to provide an alternative to violence.


Christmas Make-A-Wish Adoption Nomination Form

According to the news, AURORA, COLORADO (KDVR- July 7, 2020) – In the first three months of 2020, crime in every category was up in Aurora. With COVID shutdowns and the social unrest following the George Floyd incidents, it appears to be getting even worse for the city that calls itself, “The Safest Big City in Colorado.” Homicide investigators are trying to figure out what led to a shooting that left a man and a woman dead near the intersection of East Colfax Avenue and North Beeler Street.

This comes just two days after a 31-year-old man was shot and killed at the same intersection. These deaths bring the number of murders in Aurora to 22 so far this year. For comparison, last year, there were 28 murders in Aurora the entire year (e.g. (2019) – 28 murders; (2018) – 18 murders; (2017) – 30 murders; (2016) – 22 murders; (2015) – 24 murders).


Violent crimes are composed of four offenses: murder and no negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The object of the theft-type offenses is the taking of money or property, but there is no force or threat of force against the victims.


Fuel the change that needs to happen. Your donation can mean the difference between life and death. Donations to the Put Your Gun Down Campaign will support programming that helps Victims, Offenders and supports community policing reform.