"Family Restoration, Community Reparation,
and Closure"

The mission of Colorado Crime Survivors Network, Inc. is to support, advocate, collaborate and build coalitions for victims and offenders in addition to at-risk youth.

Community Assets. Creative Collaboration.

As a clearinghouse of goods and services, CCSN seeks to promote the healing process, redefine collaborative efforts and service the Metro Denver and North Aurora communities by providing resources, nurturement, training and affirmation to those who are in need.

5280 Survivors


Victim & Offender Mitigation Initiative

Join the CCSN Network

Put Your Gun Down Campaign


Colorado Crime Survivors Network, Inc. outreach programs target victims, offenders, at-risk youth and young adults of color that have been disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system. This includes: at-risk youth in single parent homes, gang affiliates, “wantabe” gang members, those affected by mental health related issues, live below poverty guidelines or have suffered the loss of a loved one or friend due to an act of violence.